Friday, July 27, 2007

Postcards: Annie Proulx

This is really quite a fine work. I am wholly impressed by the world Proulx reveals. Existential without the weepy woe-is-me flavour that pervades the genre. A classic at the outset, this novel spans five decades of failed pursuit of the American Dream. A considerable achievement for any author, this is a brilliant work as a debut. Nicely done in every regard.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Howl's Moving Castle:Diana Wynne Jones

Howl's Moving Castle is the best book i have read(aside from Harry Potter). I really like it. There was certainly a lot of magic in this book. I think that was the main reason I liked it so much. contents:

  1. magic
  2. mystery
  3. a witty feeling
  4. a total funny bone exercise!

A Case of Need: Michael Crichton

This was published in the late 60's under a pen name, and is a treatise and investigation into abortion and the times as well as being one hell of a good read. My favorite line comes from one of the appendices (and yes, it has footnotes and appendices, but don't let that put you off -- they are witty as well as informative).

I'll be looking to see what else he wrote at this time.